Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Agustin Lara
Gallery Review 2
April 28th, 2016
Art 350s
The Erosion of Memory

            Today I went to Bahareh Farahani’s Master of Fine Art Thesis Exhibition, and this is the second time I’ve been to one of her exhibitions.  This exhibition was definitely better than her first one. She seems to be pushing herself more and coming up with beautiful works.  He tar and acrylic paintings reminded me of the ones she showed in her previous exhibition, except these didn’t seem as dark.  I say that because she told us the tar in her paintings was a symbol for Iran and the struggles she faced living there.  These paintings still contain tar however there are other symbols in the paintings that generate a happy feeling as you look at them.   the pieces I really enjoyed were her laser cut wax an paper light sculptures.  These were works that I hadn’t seen from her and they blew me away.  It was all handmade paper and the aesthetic that the light created was amazing.  These pieces completely took over the dark space they were in and seemed to capture and entrance the audience.   The only works I didn’t seem to be interested in were her handmade paper installations.  These works were called Trailing Ivy, and consisted of handmade paper, vellum paper, acrylic, tar, encaustic wax, and resin on a wood panel.  If I’m being brutally honest it just seemed like paper with a bunch of glue poured on it.  It didn’t evoke any emotions and didn’t do a good job of keeping me interested for longer than a few seconds per piece. I would’ve liked to see more acrylic or tar, or something that just made these works pop out a bit more.

Agustin Lara
Gallery Review 1
March 8th, 2016
Art 350s
BFA Midway Exhibition

Today I went to the BFA exhibition and was really intrigued by it.  What was really appealing about this gallery was the diversity that was going on from piece to piece.  Upon entering the exhibit the first piece that caught my eye was Break A Leg by Kara Savant.  What if found interesting was the fact that she combined the leg with a picture frame.  The way that the sculpture was setup it seemed like the chair was trying to pull the leg out of the frame but just cant seem to do it.  I’m not sure if this was the same artist or not, but another piece that I kept finding myself at was If you forget me.  The object that was pushing me away yet pulling me back in was the severed foot.  Even though I knew it was a fake foot it just looked gruesome, as if someone cut off a persons foot and skinned it. Nathaniel Benjamin’s Body of Work was a great addition because his prints reminded me of some of my drawings that I have done in the past, even though his pieces were all woodblock prints.  When it comes to my personal work I also like to make abstract drawings that sometimes depict the real in a different manner and that is what I see in Benjamin’s work as well. Teri Barnes ceramic work was the only work that didn’t appeal to me as much as the others.  Now that being said I don’t mean they were bad works or anything like that I just didn’t see them truly change the space they were in.  Granted the ones on the wall proved to be a bit more interesting than the one sitting of the bench.  It just didn’t seem like the right context for her work.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Here is out final AR project which isn't working a hundred percent yet.  We're having trouble somewhere in the layar convertor export process and are working extremely hard to get it fixed but we keep on running into dead ends, once we can get a file with the color on it uploaded i will upload a new picture of it.

Here is the final 3D version of my diorama.
For my piece I imagined my future as a future in which technology overcomes humanity however not in a bad way.  Humans have created the perfect artificial intelligence that realizes the Earth is dying and it's humanities fault. Instead of completely wiping out humans the AI uses drones to control humans and use them to repair all the damage they've done, replanting trees, cleaning oceans, etc.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

this is the backdrop I plan to use for my in the future project.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My concept for the future is a technological takeover, but not robots, more like ai, and it uses our bodies as hosts.  complete control of the "host" through the central nervous system.  Completely takeover the "host's" memories, wants, beliefs, everything.